Saturday, February 24, 2018

Day 10: Saturday, Week 2—Like a Truck

Genesis 16:7-15; Mark 8:27-30

As a pastor, at the end of catechesis, I have my students create a faith statement. Two young men had sat together every class. Because they often challenged my patience, I was interested in seeing what they had created. Each handed me a very short statement. One said, “I believe that Chevys are better than Fords.” The other said, “I believe that Fords are better than Chevys.”

I told them that they might both be right. I also reminded them that this statement was to be about their relationship with God, not their trucks and suggested they try again. With grins, they each handed me another statement each had prepared.

Today, we see Peter making a statement about who Jesus is. His statement is not only a claiming of Jesus’ identity, but it is a statement that claims his relationship with Jesus as well.

If I may paraphrase the second statements of the two young men, “The relationship I have with God is a relationship of trust that God will be with me in the good times and pull me out of the times when I’m stuck. God will be with me at school, when I’m dating, and when I’m working on the farm, sort of like my ____ truck.”

They had more to say than that, and, unfortunately, I don’t actually remember the really good stuff, but seriously, have you ever thought of your vehicle in that way? Who do you say that this Jesus is, and how does that claim your relationship with Christ?

Lord, you indeed are the Messiah, the Christ, the redeemer of the world. May we know your presence always and reflect your love in all that we say and do. Amen

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