Monday, February 12, 2018


The Gateway Gospel of Destiny


by Marc Yul Angelou
Dateline: Capernaum, February 4, 2018, 01:29:39--Jesse Benjo continues to create a stir in Capernaum. Following the confrontation at Saturday’s gathering, his followers Simon and Andrew Ben Jona entertained Benjo at their nearby home. In a statement concerning the equality of all people made there, Benjo went so far as to raise up mothers-in-law as being truly worthy of family inclusion and care.

Benjo’s strong statement on the equality of all led to a lysis lyceum where all Capernaum turned out to listen to his message. In the course of his presentation, Benjo raised the issue of the sick and demanded health care for all claiming that the sick deserve our care and should be fully included in the advances of society.

Benjo explained, “The current practice of shunning and absolute quarantine is not practical. We need to find other ways of dealing with the diseased and afflicted. The fear of contagion is often greater than the disease itself. Fear only serves to polarize the emotions of the people, heightens xenophobia, and supports the wealthy who are able to afford better medical care and travel to unaffected areas of the world.”

Benjo further recommended that the people would be better served by attending to the cleanliness of their living conditions, address the open sewage in their streets, and protect their water sources.

A street gang known as the Demons heckled Benjo during his presentation claiming that they knew what he was up to, but Benjo told them that they are part of the disease that afflicts the world we live in today. They are “a social cancer that metastasizes to healthy social tissue, especially that of neighborly cooperation.”

Benjo further accused them of contributing to the divisive conditions of our culture saying that their actions “advance imperial power further destroying relationships and oppressing the common person by restricting and withholding their civil rights.” Benjo’s words inspired shouts of acclamation from the crowd and silenced the demons for now.

Amid entreaties to remain in Capernaum longer, Benjo continued his peripatetic teaching with some of his followers and went on to honor speaking engagements already planned in neighboring towns.

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