Sunday, March 11, 2018

Fourth Sunday of Lent—Which Way Did He Go?

At various times in our lives, we must meet someone in an unfamiliar place. I remember one time that Sue and I were meeting Steve in Chicago to go to a restaurant we had never driven to before.

We met at a previously agreed upon landmark, and then we followed our friend during rush hour traffic to the restaurant. Somewhere along the journey we followed a black Maxima instead of Steve’s black Jetta. We ended up at a private driveway instead of the restaurant. Fortunately, we had foreseen the possibility of being separated and had agreed upon another easy to find meeting place. We finally arrived together at the restaurant for an amazing meal shared with great company.

Our cars have a little device, the directional signal, which helps others tell us where they are going. It tells us what they plan to do and where we intend to go. It can help when trying to follow someone.

Sometimes though, we are distracted and lose sight of the one we are following. Another car that looks very similar appears where we expect the one we are following to be. We get lost and confused and end up looking for a parking place at the end of someone’s driveway instead of finding the eating place we need and desire.

Therefore, it is important to have a very clear understanding of where we are going in the first place and to know the check points along the way where we can be reunited with our guide. (Is the driveway the place that we are supposed to be for supper? Maybe not!)

In the story of Bartimaeus, we are shown where Jesus is going. He is going to the cross, of course, the place that Jesus has been going for his entire ministry. We know it; Bartimaeus knows it; and Jesus has let Bartimaeus see it again. Seeing the vision of the cross again—“people like trees walking” (Mark 8:24)—Bartimaeus follows Jesus on the way. The signals have been quite clear for a while now if we don’t get confused in traffic.

Just in case you get lost along the way, remember that we have agreed to meet Jesus for further directions at our local congregations. Watch the brake lights and the several stops along the way. When we get to the final stop, we will find food and water for everyone. The water of resurrection might look a little scary, but it is life giving. The food will be amazing, and the company is going to be great too.

So, if you are one of those who has been directionally challenged for awhile during life’s rush-hour traffic, know the place we are going. It is the cross and then the empty tomb of resurrection. Just watch for the directional signals and the brake lights until we get there. You too can follow on the way.

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