Friday, March 16, 2018

Day 27: Friday, Week 5—Paddling the Waters of Baptism

Exodus 30:1-10; Psalm 51:1-12; Hebrews 4:14-5:4

My home congregation youth group took a yearly canoe trip. When we got to camp, we would go to cabins and then down to the lake where we learned to select a paddle, how to use it, and water safety. Then we got into canoes to practice our technique.

For many, it was the first time they were in a canoe. For some it was old hat, but the goal was to learn our group strengths and weaknesses.

The following day, we traveled by van with our canoes to the drop off point. There we sorted out our gear, loaded the canoes and started our journey down stream to our pick up point.

At the beginning of the trip we were clumsy and slow, but by the end of the trip we were fairly accomplished. What was most apparent though was the ability of the group to work together in order to get something done.

During the time together people shared life stories, taught one another ways of getting things done and shared strengths (literally, when portaging, and figuratively, with patience and understanding).

People who had no camping or canoeing experience at the beginning of the trip came home with new found abilities. Many returned with greater tolerance and understanding of others. It started with leadership and training, but it became the shared work of all.

Today we are told that we have a high priest in the person of Jesus Christ. He has come to know our shortcomings and failings. He has not failed himself, but continues to instruct and teach by his leading.

We often claim that we cannot do the tasks of witness and evangelism or that we are not good teachers, singers or readers. Our fear of incompetence prevents us from putting our paddles in the water. Our fear is greater than our commitment to the journey we share.

In the waters of baptism we have been called by our great high priest to serve one another so let us approach God’s throne with boldness. We are assured of mercy and grace. Together we have been given all of the gifts we need to succeed.

Lord, you came that we might learn your ways of salvation. Give us boldness to enter fully into your kingdom community. Amen

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