Monday, March 26, 2018

Day 35: Monday of Holy Week—Not our ways but Yours

Psalm 36:5-11; Hebrews 9:11-15; John 12:1-11

It’s been more than a hundred years that America has been driving. Henry Ford gave us the modern assembly line that has made the car affordable for the common person.

Improvements in the design of the car we drive today have come from various inventive people of the many manufacturers creating the safest vehicles we can have. Each improvement has been made for saving lives and making life more convenient ushering in new visions of life together and a perfected kingdom of plenty.

Yet, today we are reminded that true perfection does not and cannot come from human hands but from Christ’s perfect work for us. There is no amount of green technology that can save us. Green technology may save our planet, but our relationship with God is only perfected through Christ’s willingness to stand for us in life and death, offering forgiveness and new ways of walking together in God’s way. Only in the life, death, and resurrection of Christ is there hope of true relationships of peace and equality.

On this second day of Holy Week, we pause to remember God’s many great works for us and give thanks for Christ’s forgiving willingness to make us right with God.

Lord, thank you for your forgiving hands that continue to work perfection in us. Amen

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