Monday, January 9, 2017




Dateline: Jordan Creek, Holy Land?, January 15, 01:29:42

Matt Hughes

As the United States prepares to inaugurate a new president, new findings at Jordan Creek reveal helpful and hopeful words as we move into a new world of information gathering. It appears that even in Jesus’ time there were issues with party defections and veracity.
At the Biblical Archeology Digest (BAD) site, archeologist O. Toby Norske, coordinator, shared that the latest rune stone transcriptions reveal political forces within the anti-establishment reformers. Jesus left the extreme wilderness people, known as “acid heads”, to form his own reform party where he is addressed with the back-to-nature name “Rabbit”.
Ayne Shent, a Norwegian antiquity scholar with BAD said, “Some of the back to nature, locust-eating, honey-dipping moderates chose the messy life with Jesus rather than the sticky ways of John.”
This new way of living had some issues too. One of the new Reform Party followers had problems with disclosure. In the name of full transparency, Jesus outed this follower saying, “You are called Simon, aka Cephas, aka Peter, aka Rocky, aka The Fish.” Norma L. Prankster said, “This last name clears up much of Church history. There were claims this early head-over-heels party leader was the Bish of Rome. We now know that he was known as the Fish of Rome. I wonder if he was related to Abe Vigoda.”
As information continues to come in from the BAD site, a more complex political scene is unfolding. Jesus, as the head of the reform party, was known as the LAMB of GOD.  Rather than being a title of divination, Shent claims it appears to be an acronym for “Lakes & Agriculture Management Bureau of Glaciated Oversight Districts”, akin to the DNR today.
When asked how these records help us understand the complexities of olden times and the general outlook of the world today, Shent said, “Well, we now know that speaking truth was clearly an issue even at the time of these writings.” BAD has gained knowledge from studying the runes and sifting through various errata. Shent shared, with a certain degree of certainty, that the central wisdom from the passage they finished recently reads, “Look here der, the L.A.M.B. of G.O.D., who takes away the spin of the world.” As she was packing up, Shent said, “Lord, have mercy. Even in those days they were trying to find truth in government.”

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