Monday, June 11, 2018


The Gateway Gospel of Destiny


by Jack D. Sypal
Dateline: Jerusalem, March 18, 2018, 12:20:33--Pundits now believe that Jesse Benjo has greater name recognition than the emperor and more popularity than Herod. Benjo’s popularity will affect the great Passover festival celebrations this week as thousands gather in Jerusalem. Several fraternity activity chairs and their sorority sweethearts came to Philip, one of Jesse’s disciples, asking for backstage passes. It is not known at this time whether passes will be given now or in the future to Greeks or any groups.

It certainly appears, however, that there is no subject Jesse Benjo is unwilling to address. Changing water into wine was his first venture into the speaking circuit. Since then he has tackled how to feed those unexpected supper guests, curing illnesses, how to worship, and the value of lighting in dark places.

Today, although not a farmer himself, Benjo spoke publicly about what it means to be a farmer. He extolled the value of self-sacrificial calendar-keeping. Citing the importance of knowing when it is time to plant wheat and getting it in the ground so that there can be a bountiful harvest, Benjo stated that the hour had come for the work to be completed so that the glory of those fields of future fortune could be harvested.

And Benjo spoke of the importance of harvesting at the right time for maximum productivity. “If you think that you are the most important person during harvest time, you are mistaken. For the greatest harvest, IT IS ALL ABOUT THE WHEAT. You can’t be overly concerned about your sleep. When the wheat is ready, it’s ready; and you need to get on it right away.”

Benjo also extoled his confidence in these times. With the rising market and the projected futures, he claimed, “The abundance of the harvest will bring people from around the world to receive the benefits of our work today. It is, as they say, time to make hay while the sun shines. That time is now, and we’re burning daylight. If rain and storms come soaking the wheat or blowing it down, your harvest is lost. So, we must put the shoulder to the wheel, strike while the iron is hot, labor under the beautiful spacious skies amid the golden waves of grain. We need to put up for a rainy day not be put down by it.”

While Benjo was speaking, a thunder clap brought his speech to an abrupt end. He did take time for a very short Q&A, but then Benjo quickly got off the stage. Many huddled in groups discussing the speech. Others kept looking at the sky before hurrying home to their farms.

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