Saturday, June 23, 2018


The Gateway Gospel of Destiny


by Marc Yul Angelou
Dateline: Galilee Sea, June 23, 2018, 4:35:41--For those who still live in the world of vinyl (you know who you are), Jesse Benjo, after speaking ON THE A SIDE to thousands on the borders of the sea, commanded his disciples to cross over to the other side. This, of course, meant that their world was turned upside down. It also meant that they encountered adverse winds and some turbulent waves when crossing over.

One of Benjo’s disciples, Andrew Barjona, said, “It was all quite weird you know. Jesse who always speaks with the most polite and cultured British accent suddenly sounded like a brawling Australian and then he just took a lie down.”

It appears that Benjo, who has been dabbling in the world of alternative realities, exhausted after leading his people into a new consciousness, simply fell asleep leaving his followers to deal with the vicissitudes of the siren calls of change.

John Thunder said, “We physically shook him until he woke. Our boat was sinking, and it seemed like he just didn’t care.”

James Thunder, brother of John, said, “We knocked him up because a big windy had risen up and the water was washing through from the other side (that would be side A). It was like a total track bleed-through and all of our lay-downs were going to be lost. When he came to, Jesse got up and said, ‘Easy mate’, and then he shouted to the whole production crew, ‘Shut up!’. After that everything went quiet, and we were able to pass through quite nicely. I mean, Jesse shouted, things got quiet, and then we had all crossed over. It was a fright, I can tell you, but it was awesome.”

Benjo’s followers were quite amazed at his calm throughout the whole ordeal. “But then,” Barjona reflected, “He was asleep on the only life-vest in the boat.”

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